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8: Greg Taylor: How To Take Your Real Estate Website From Good To Great

By |December 6, 2014| No Comments

Greg Taylor, founder of Marketing Press, joins Real Estate Pros to discuss the mistakes many real estate businesses are making with their website. We will share examples of outstanding real estate websites you can check out yourself and how you can take your own website from good to great.

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Greg Taylor: How To Take Your Real Estate Website From Good To Great

Show Notes

According to Greg Taylor, founder of Marketing Press, there are only three objectives for a website that real estate professionals should strive for:

  1. Lead generation
  2. Customer loyalty
  3. Building a community around your service

Greg says that “one of the biggest mistake everyone makes when it comes to their website is either spending too much time worrying about what it looks like, or wanting the results that the successful agents are achieving without the drive to put in the hard work around content creation.”

Greg is a firm believer in strategising first and designing second in order to turn your website into a lead generation and client advocacy machine. Join us as we discuss how to take your real estate website from good to great.

Key Takeaways

Fast Five

Who has been an inspiration to you throughout your career?
Francine Hardaway, one of the original venture capitalists in Silicon Valley.”

What are your favourite things in the world to do when you’re not at the office?
“Playing guitar and watching soccer.”

What is your favourite business book?
The Tipping Point – How Little Things Can Make A Huge Difference” By Malcom Gladwell

What is your favourite technology resource you use daily to help you run a better business?
Basecamp.” Basecamp makes it easy for people in different roles with different responsibilities to communicate and work together. It’s a place to share files, have discussions, collaborate on documents, assign tasks, and check due dates. Basecamp stores everything securely and can be accessed at anytime from anywhere.

What’s the best website you’ve seen in real estate?
Zillow, simply because of the technology these guys use. From a consumer standpoint, my friend Nick Bastian‘s site is super cool.”

Success Quote

“Perfection is the enemy of progress.”

Fast Fact of the Week

The Mobile Behaviour Report conducted by Salesforce Marketing Cloud discovered that 27% of consumers will leave a company’s website if it is not optimised for mobile devices. This means more than a quarter of your website visitors might leave your site for another if it is not mobile-optimised. With the rise of mobile adoption, this is a timely reminder to speak with your website developer about making sure your site has the best user experience on all devices.

Discovery of the Week

Quill Engage is an easy way to extract valuable insights from your Google Analytics data, in plain english.

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